There is a continuing project happening at Sandwich Bay for surveying 18th– mid 20th century stake net (fish trap) remains.

CITiZAN and volunteers will return to the site next week, 18-20th February to carry out some archaeological sampling of the stakes – no experience necessary and all welcome!
Contact Lara at or go to the website for more details on how to take part –
The plan: is to take up to 60 timber samples over the three days from the fish trap stakes: cutting the top c10cm with a small handsaw and bagging them, recording this with the RTK. This time we’ll also be photographing each one before we saw it, and each ‘run’ of stakes we sample, with a scale and with a normal camera and the RTK camera. We’ll also record any other stakes we find, that haven’t been recorded yet.
After we finish we’ll go to Princes Lodge bar and café for a warm drink and a debrief (CITiZAN will pay). CITiZAN can also pay your toll road fee, so keep any ticket you’re given and give it to me at the end of the morning. Remember your wellies and wrap up warm!