The Shorne Woods Heritage Group is an offshoot of SWAG. Trevor Bent and Don Blackburn have been looking into recording the experiences and memories of locals in the Shorne Woods and Cobham areas. Their Oral History project has had great results.
Blue’s Yarns
Click here to go through to the memories of Betty Bicker-Robinson. Betty grew up in Kent in the early half of the 20th century.
Memories of Shorne Woods and Cobham
Below are a number of stories told by a variety of people who grew up in the area.
- Tony Austin: “Thong Lane all my life”
- Peter Beech: memories of Shorne, the airfields and clayworks
- Betty Bicker-Robinson: memories of WW2
- Betty Bicker-Robinson: who lived where 1938-40
- Betty Bicker-Robinson: memories of the ‘Old Curiosity Shop’, Cobham
- Betty Bicker-Robinson: memories of Cobham
- Anita Bridger: memories of the camps
- Peter Dadson: memories of Shorne Woods clay works
- Nellie Dodd: memories of Cobham
- Alan Driscoll: memories of Shorne
- Ted Goodwin & Pat Cox: their Dad and the Shorne Woods clay works
- Betty Grayland: memories of Shorne Woods
- Alan Hills: clay pit operations
- Jack Hollis: memories of Ashenbank and Shorne Woods
- Ray Lucas: Shorne in the 1950s
- Ben Parish: memories of Shorne
- Reg Rootes: memories of Shorne Woods
- Pat Sandford: memories of the Darnley Estate
- Vince (aka Paul): memories of Ashenbank