Owletts this week

It’s going to be very hot this week, so we will only work under shade and hope for a breeze. Bring extra water and we will take as many breaks as people want…

Meeting at Shorne at 10am or Owletts at 10:30am, with everyone off site by 3pm latest and back to Park for drinks and ice cream.

The site at Owletts (National Trust) is fascinating, through your hard work of surveying over the last three years we have narrowed down unexplored fields around the village. We have discovered a late iron age/early Roman enclosure, with evidence from the pottery suggesting both drinking and cooking on site!

We will continue to explore the site this week and move into the village next week.  We will expand outwards from the village, to look at a couple of the lost manor sites in more detail, alongside further fieldwalking of key fields.

Here are some photos from today’s effort. This year’s mascots are a friendly pair of sheep (I think we’ve taken over their home for the week so they are being very accommodating):

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