Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society’s 2016 Lecture Programme

IOTAS Archaeological Studies Lecture Course 2016

  • 14 Mar 2016: ‘Not Angles but Angels’: St Augustine and the ‘conversion’ of Kent
  • 04 Apr 2016: Rings and Roundabouts:  The Lord of the Manor Ceremonial Landscape – a history and analysis of the excavations
  • 09 May 2016: Before the Flood: The Archaeology of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and the lost North Sea Lands.
  • 13 June 2016: ‘The Heathen of the Seas’: Vikings in Thanet?
  • 11 July 2016: Saxon Shores – environmental changes and historical arrivals: an overview of the SE coastline from late Roman to late Medieval times
  • 12 Sept 2016: Richborough Roman Fort – The Gateway to Roman Britain?
  • 10 Oct 2016: Beowulf – fact or fantasy?
  • 14 Nov 2016: Skyscapes and Landscapes: A new interpretation of Stonehenge


Each session runs from 7.00-9.00 pm and takes place at the Lecture Hall, Crampton Tower Yard (behind Crampton Tower Broadstairs).

The lecturer will be John Grigsby. He has lectured in archaeology and myth for the University of Kent, worked for English heritage for 15 years and is now working for Canterbury Archaeological Trust while writing his PhD on Stonehenge with Tim Darvill

ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Fee for all eight lectures £80: individual lectures £12 each, including refreshments and course materials. Under 18s (minimum age 16): all eight lectures £65, individual £10 each.

To enroll email , message us on our Facebook page (Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society), or write to IOTAS at our address below:

Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society

Room, B, Crampton Tower Yard,

High Street, Broadstairs,

Kent CT10 2AB






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