Looking into a test pit

We’ve had a poem sent to us that celebrates the joys of digging test pits!

Many thanks to our anonymous contributor:

Looking into a test pit

Looking into a test pit, almost square
Searching intently but there’s nothing there
Next is the question, deeper, wider, where do we go
We need something to show to our ever eager FLO
Who do we turn too, Andrew’s the man
He’ll tell us what we can’t do and what we can
We get our instruction, ‘though Trevor disagrees
To go deeper and wider but avoid the trees
Eureka, there’s a wall but Andrew is hesitant
But Pauline reassures and is VERY insistent
By the end of the day, the stories unfold
It’s a wall but of what remains to be told
Back to the café for a coffee and cake
And roll on next year for more walls real or fake!


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