In response to the Hoards and All advent calender our members have gone all poetic. Here are a couple from the trenchs:
A hoard is like this is one of a kind Our ancestors left it for us to find Buried for years in all its glory For Sophie to dig up and tell us their story (Nicola) On opening five, man alive How did that treasure all survive Below the ground safe and sound Just sitting, waiting to be found (Bill) Bronzes abound Out of the ground Below a bronze age mound Delighted to be found (Anon) Another page has turned A battle axe appears What have owner in tears Perhaps a metal worker's hoard An offering, a simple rite Better crops my Lord Whatever you like The soil is removed, with little motion The axe shines after restoration It's just a notion Did it see any action? Sophia's restoration A wonder to behold Keep fingers crossed Might be another load (David)