Spring/Summer 2018 update

Over the last couple of weeks volunteers have been focusing on evaluating the geophysical anomaly on the Lees Court estate. This is a Kent Archaeological Society led project. If you are interested in joining activities during the summer, go to the KAS website and register your interest – http://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/

Once back from Lees Court we have a little and much delayed trip to the Royal Military Canal. The plan is to complete the small project, based out of Appledore. From 29th-31stof May.  We will dig up to five test pits at each of 2 sites. It would be great if we could have support of max 10 vols per day? I have money for expenses and suggest car sharing (from Shorne, journey time is 1 hour to site). We may be done in 2 days, but I am allowing 3 in case!

Then we turn our attention to summer projects and work in and around Cobham Village.  The title of this year’s season…the Hunt for the lost manors of Cobham…we can promise much banter, geophys, some mud and confusion, new discoveries and most importantly fun! Get in touch with Andrew if you’re interested in helping out with this project.

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