Future dates and plans: 2016 into 2017

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in the Cottage Dig. It was a really successful two weeks and we learnt a lot about the site! We also have found a good photograph of the building and a sketch, not to mention knowing where all the drains are!
On Thursday I am away, but there is some backfilling (!!) left to do on site at the Cottage and perhaps some finds processing, depending on how we get on tomorrow!
Next week we will meet on Thursday and Friday.
On Thursday we will complete backfilling works at the Cottage/finds processing and on Friday I have organised a Tree day with the Woodland Trust which I hope many of you burgeoning tree huggers can make 🙂
The following week (the 24th/25th) we will do some fieldwalking on the old cricket pitch field next to the Lodge!
The last week in August, we are still hoping for the starting gun from Thanet, it all depends on the potatoes!
If we are delayed by a week, we will continue to fieldwalk, whilst maintaining a ‘scramble‘ status for Thanet .
From October I have arranged for us to use Medway Archives to study maps, plans and documents relating to the Cobham Landscape. We will mix archive days with further lump and bump hunting and tree surveys.
If the weather is with us, we will also excavate a couple of slots across the old hollow way in Cobham Park.
We also need to start planning the test pit survey in Cobham village next summer. Volunteer co-ordinators for this sought – please get in contact with me.
Finally, from January to March I have a tentative permission to undertake geophysics in West Park, the opposite side of the road to Ashenbank Woods!
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