Betty Bicker-Robinson (nee King and nickname Blue) has written up her memories of growing up in Kent and her life during the 20th century. She has kindly shared them with Trevor and Bernice so we can add them to the website. Follow the links below for some good yarns and a fascinating look into how we used to live.
- My Gran and my Mum
- Poverty and home life
- Life at Wilmar
- Cottage life
- Living in Gravesend and Cobham
- A girl in Cobham village
- Hop picking
- Now for another yarn…
- Ern and myself
- Back to Sunnyside
- On the Farm
- Ern
- Back on the Farm
- Life with Ted
Some of the images used in these posts have been taken from the internet and were labeled ‘for noncommercial resuse’ via a Google search. If an image is found to be under copyright it will be removed upon request.
The full ‘Yarn’ is available in PDF. Please click here to access.