SWAG activities suspended for the present

Dear all,

It will come as no great surprise to hear that I am going to suspend all on the ground volunteering activities for the immediate future.

You are all, whether occasional supporters or hardcore regulars dearly important to me and for the moment, we need to think about the health of us all.

I know this will frustrate some of you and could put others off, but things will return to ?normal? in due course and volunteering will resume.

I have held off completing on the insurance so that we can make the most of the year’s cover, when we can use it!

In the meantime, we can and will continue to interact in the virtual world! There are a mountain of tasks that could be completed remotely, from research (everything from finds to sites to online research at archives), catalogue digitising (of our many sites investigated during Cobham landscapes), report writing, tree record collation and LiDAR groundtruthing! (especially when the Darent data goes live…)

If you are climbing up the walls and would like something to do, please email me and we can chat!

Likewise, if you are stuck at home and just want to chat, or need help…please get in touch!

Most importantly however, do keep an eye on all the latest government information, which applies to many of us, irrespective of age.

See https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance for the latest guidance.

Over the years at Shorne we have built and developed a caring, passionate community of individuals and friends, and we will come together in person once more, later in the summer, to continue with the laughter, madness and some serious archaeology.

Keep well, keep in touch and wash those hands!


Andrew Mayfield | Community Archaeologist

Environment, Planning and Enforcement | Heritage Conservation Group

Kent County Council | Invicta House 1st Floor | County Hall | Maidstone, ME14 1XX | 03000 413416 | Mobile: 07920 548906 |

www.facebook.com/ArchaeologyinKent | @ArchaeologyKent


‘Supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund’

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