The Palaeolithic Sites in the Upper Ravensbourne Area, Bromley

One of our SWAG members, Frank Beresford, has recently published a piece on lithics in the Bromley area. Click through to to read the article –

Abstract as follows:

Many Palaeolithic sites, first discovered in the late 19th century or early 20th century, lacked adequate publication and coherent curation of the finds which were frequently exchanged or sold and dispersed. This study focuses on a number of minor sites that have suffered in this way. The study area is in the parish of West Wickham, Kent, now part of the London Borough of Bromley. Three men discovered most of the lithic material found in the study area in the years from 1878 to 1898. All three gave partial accounts of their finds in variouscontexts during the period 1882 to 1908 and many of these accounts have been located for this study. Parts oftheir collections have been identified in the collections of two museums. The aim of this study is to investigate towhat extent it is now possible to construct a useful account of the Palaeolithic of the Upper RavensbourneValley.

Full reference: Beresford, F.R. 2014. A preliminary note on the Palaeolithic sites in the Upper Ravensbournearea, Bromley, Kent. Lithics: the Journal of the Lithic Studies Society 35: 54Ð58. 

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